About Us

Transparency International Uganda

Transparency International Uganda (TIU) is a national chapter of Transparency International (TI) – the Global Coalition against corruption. It was founded in 1993 to bring together the voluntary initiatives of citizens to enhance accountability, transparency, and integrity amongst all Ugandans. It is a registered Non-Governmental organization (NGO) working to create change towards a Uganda free of corruption. Transparency International Uganda works to address all forms of corruption with a specific emphasis on improved service delivery and good governance.

TIU partners with local organizations, governments, communities, civil society, individuals, media and the private sector in order to bring about developmental change. TIU considers women, youth and people with disability as special groups and empowers them with Knowledge to enable them actively participate in their activities at all levels. Transparency International believes that fundamental change will happen in Uganda with a shift in policies and practice, when citizens will be able to exercise and claim their rights and responsibilities as enshrined in the Constitution of the country.




Districted Touched


Million people Helped




Radio Jingles

We are the global coalition against corruption

To promote consciousness about corruption and a society that espouses value systems and principles of Transparency and Accountability.

A Uganda in which the daily lives of people are free of corruption.

TIU comprises of people from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs hence the need to align their thoughts, actions and words with the following organization values;

  • Integrity: The organization prioritizes on upholding   consistent moral and ethical standards with core principles including: compassion, dependability, generosity, honesty, kindness, loyalty, maturity, objectivity, respect, trust and wisdom.
  • Transparency: TIU ensures openness in all its undertakings   and being truthful in its actions.
  • Accountability: TIU acknowledges and undertakes   responsibility for actions, decisions and policies taken within its scope.
  • SOLIDARITY: TIU promotes unity between people who have the same interests, and goals.  TIU also rallies behind any interventions by stakeholders geared towards fighting corruption.
  • NON-DISCRIMINATION: Fair and un-biased treatment of different categories of people irrespective of their; gender, religion, age, colour, ethnicity and disability.